Monday, January 17, 2011

Money and Happiness

Lately ive been thinking about if money truely brings happiness. Many would say yes. What makes me think otherwise is the happiness of people in extremely poor countries. I'm fortunate enough to live in the U.S. where alot of people have money but many of those people are not happy with their lives. On the other hand, go to a country like thailand where little girls are begging on the street for money to survive just that day, the thing is they have a smile on their face. This brings me to the conclusion that material items dont bring happiness. Happiness is more of a mind state. You have the power to make yourself happy at any moment. Items can bring temporary happiness but in the end, being happy is up to you.


  1. PRetty insightful stuff brah...can't wait for your next posts

  2. good stuff man, followed!!

    follow me back @

  3. Good post man. Money doesn't bring happiness, but it helps.

    Follow back brah, please,

  4. good post, sometimes money doesn't bring happiness though

    hit me back!

  5. Money bring freedom but doesn't necessarily brings happiness. I agree with your post
